

Company Name

AnyDesk Software GmbH

Key details of


  • Remote Desktop Functionality: AnyDesk provides full remote control capabilities. Users can see the remote desktop, interact with applications and files, and even transfer files between devices.
  • Proprietary DeskRT Codec: This custom codec prioritizes low latency and bandwidth efficiency, ensuring smooth performance even with limited internet connections.
  • TLS 1.2 Encryption: Industry-standard encryption ensures secure data transfer during remote sessions.
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: AnyDesk utilizes a single codebase for all supported platforms, streamlining development and maintenance for developers. This also guarantees seamless user experience across different devices.
  • Lightweight and Efficient: The application footprint is relatively small, minimizing resource consumption on both the host and remote devices.
  • Customization Options: Developers can leverage AnyDesk’s API to integrate specific functionalities and customize the user experience within their applications.
  • Session Management: Developers can integrate AnyDesk functionality into their applications to initiate and manage remote sessions programmatically.
  • Security Features: AnyDesk offers various security features like two-factor authentication, address book management, and session recording (optional) to enhance control and accountability.
  • Wake-on-LAN Support: This feature allows developers to remotely wake up sleeping devices within the same network for easier access.

Developer's description

  • Simplified Remote Debugging: AnyDesk facilitates efficient remote debugging of applications on various platforms, saving developers time and resources.
  • Enhanced Testing and Support: Developers can leverage AnyDesk for remote testing of applications across different operating systems and provide remote support to users directly within their applications.
  • Integration with Development Tools: The API allows developers to integrate AnyDesk functionalities seamlessly into their development workflows for efficient remote collaboration.

Latest Version Available

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Operating System Compatibility

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